Parametric insurance with CLI-INS - your CLImate INSurance:
Which benefits? for whom?
No deductible or low deductible.
No expert assessment.
Discover the benefits of our insurances in the section know-how.
Insure your company’s or vineyard’s margin in case of a yield drop.
Growing wine cooperative: Include a yield guarantee for your members or clients in your supply offers or in your commercial proposals.
The yield guarantee becomes a true commercial argument to be differentiated from your rivals in order to gain members or clients but also to retain them.
Following the same principle, a famous car-manufacturer has based its main commercial argument on its 7-years manufacturer guarantee.
On which technologies are based our parametric insurance solutions?
CLI-INS: the specialized broker in parametric insurance (or index insurance) has a wide range of technologies to meet your needs.
Hail sensor
- Hail parametric insurance by hail sensor
Weather station
- Index insurance for frost and/or excess of heat
- Parametric insurance for water excess and/or lack of water
Yield insurance (Government data)
- the parametric assurance of agronomic wine yields does not need any technology.